+ Warwickshire Acapella Singers Circle
+ Pete Grassby’s Alternate Friday Singaround
All at 7-45pm-11pm UK time
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Rowington remains on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, A singaround format with the featured artists doing 2 items at each turn interspersed with single songs from 3 floor singers until we run out of time usually 11pm. We then have ‘late drinks and chat’ for all who want to stay
2024 dates;
August 21st, Ray Nicholls from Hawick in the Borders, fine singer and Guitarist, sound and lighting engineer and host of BOMS which has been running since lockdown, teamed with
We Mavericks from New Zealand but conveniently over here !
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September 18th, Mary Ann McAllister wonderful singer and guitarist, covering many vintage songs, tending to the jazz side of things.
With Joe Nicholson from Whitby, A mature voice and repertoire of old favourites
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October 16th Rosie Upton from the Bath area, a very fine singer with strong opinions!
with Cowboy Wrecks TBC
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November 20th, Mal Waite; I booked in the 80’s for Shipston folk Festival, and she has improved with age like fine wine!
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December 18th Christmas Party with The Laners(tbc) and the Rowington Mummers Volunteers to play parts in the Mummers Play invited! Drop me an email
or call Pete 024-76336740 Mob 07768683015
Keep scrolling down!
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Warwickshire Acapella Singers Circle is always on the 16th of the month, (except when I forget because it’s Father’s Day!)
All sessions doors open 7-45pm -11pm UK time.
When they fall on the same night, the Rowington one takes precedence Virtually in a Warwickshire pub; this month The Red Lion in Corley
The Links;
Rowington folk Club; (Third Wednesdays)
Meeting ID: 822 8374 9857 Password: 330774
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Warwickshire Acapella Singers Circle; (16th day of the month,)
(use the Alternate Friday Singaraound link this month above when we co-incide)
Meeting ID: 882 7496 5685 Passcode: 318840
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And finally;
‘Pete’s Alternate Friday Singaround.’
Small but perfectly formed! Every fortnight, with Brian and Jenny co-hosting ,
Dates for Summer 2024;
June 7th and 21st
July 5th and 19th
August 2nd, 16th and 30th
Here’s the link; 87338821694 password 115009 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87338821694?pwd=UGJDMW1VcnhuOEtjdTV0RUE5ZGZTUT09