Coventry Singer Songwriters

Launched in 2010, Coventry Singer Songwriters is a warm and supportive group of local musicians who meet monthly to help, motivate and inspire each other to write new songs and share songwriting resources and contacts. Group members have appeared at many local clubs and festivals, and have featured on a number of CVFolk concerts and workshop events.

The objective of each of the monthly get-togethers is to encourage participants to write new songs, based on an agreed common theme. They gather regularly at a group member’s home (or sometimes in a pub) and share their compositions before setting their next creative challenge by voting on a new theme for the next month.

Founded by Jon Harrington, the group not only includes many well-known names on the local folk circuit, but musicians living further afield, including overseas, who send in their compositions on MP3s.

Perhaps not surprisingly, they have built up a vast anthology of songs that group members have loaded on their SoundClick page – 1900+ and counting! These include recordings by:

Bill Bates, Bob Wilkinson, Al NevilleKatherine Fear (Daisybell), Kevin Moffatt (Alkevan), Rob Halligan, Antonia Kirby, Corinne Stratton (now known as Corinne Lucy of After The Flood), Paul Monks and Jane Moss (both of Yonderland), Graham Weston (Tilt), Jan Richardson (Tyburn), and Paul Moore, Jon Harrington and John Kearney (all of The Stationary Wilburys).

Definitely worth a visit and randomly-selected listening – you’ll find some real creative gems here!

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